Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Odds and Ends

A few things we still need for the FMSC MobilePack event:

-10-15 set-up volunteers from 3:00-5:00 Friday, 9/23
              -We need some muscly men for heavy stuff, and some people to set up the work stations (could be anyone!)

-3-4 registration volunteers per shift

-6' or 8' tables, 6' is preferable

-Meals for the FMSC staff (3 people) Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch

-Snacks for the FMSC staff break room - nothing crazy, just fruit, drinks, crackers or something

-Volunteer(s) to take the cardboard recycling to a recycling facility (1-2 normal truckbed loads)

-10-15 people to help clean up from 5:30-7:00ish on Saturday, September 24

-Forklift or donation to sponsor the forklift rental (~$350)

Please let me know if you are willing and able to help out with any of these things (fmscdallasmobilepack@gmail.com). Thanks!

Don't forget - registration is open here.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Registration is Open!

The time has come...

Registration is now OPEN for all individuals and groups!

Registration Link

As always, keep those funds coming in, and email me (fmscdallasmobilepack@gmail.com) if you have any questions!



Thursday, August 11, 2011

Registration Opens Monday 8/15

You've all been waiting...

Registration for volunteers will be open this Monday, August 15. I will be sending out an email to the email list with the registration link, as well as hitting up every other form of media known to man (aka: Twitter, Facebook, blog, etc).

It will also be available here. Where you now see a "Donate" button next to our event (#1109-99), there will also be a "Volunteer" button.

Keep up the great fund raising efforts! We have a rice and beans fast going on right now, a lot of people saving up quarters and eating M&M's, some folks doing a car wash this weekend, corporate donations are coming in... I think we're doing better than ever before at this point. Please keep it up!

Also, please remember that the host church, First Church of Carrollton, is collecting all funds and then making payments to FMSC. So please direct all funds to the church and make out checks to First Church, memo line: "FMSC".

Y'all are the best.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rice & Beans Fast

I got an email the other day from a girl at UT Dallas that has brought groups to the last couple of FMSC MobilePack events. Some people in her group have a pretty great idea... I think we should all join with them.

"A friend of mine is raising money by doing a week long beans and rice fast.  He wants to raise awareness for the hunger around the world.  The money that people donate and those that participate save on food that week will be collected and donated to FMSC."

This group at UT Dallas is kicking off their week fast tomorrow, August 7. Take a minute to think about participating, on whatever level. If you want to go all week only eating beans and rice, and donate the money you would have spent on more expensive food, great! If you want to only do dinners, great! If you want to exchange a meal or two or three for your whole family, great! If you want to do a month, or start on a different date, great!

Please let me know if you have questions about how to do this, and let me know if you plan to participate.

And don't forget, any funds that you raise can be sent to First Church of Carrollton.

Donation Information

Please donate through the host church, First United Methodist Church of Carrollton. Make checks out to First Church and send them to:

First Church of Carrollton
Attn: FMSC MobilePack
2201 E. Hebron Parkway
Carrollton, TX 75010

For questions about payment, call 469-568-1240 or email me (Abbey) at fmscdallasmobilepack@gmail.com.