Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rice & Beans Fast

I got an email the other day from a girl at UT Dallas that has brought groups to the last couple of FMSC MobilePack events. Some people in her group have a pretty great idea... I think we should all join with them.

"A friend of mine is raising money by doing a week long beans and rice fast.  He wants to raise awareness for the hunger around the world.  The money that people donate and those that participate save on food that week will be collected and donated to FMSC."

This group at UT Dallas is kicking off their week fast tomorrow, August 7. Take a minute to think about participating, on whatever level. If you want to go all week only eating beans and rice, and donate the money you would have spent on more expensive food, great! If you want to only do dinners, great! If you want to exchange a meal or two or three for your whole family, great! If you want to do a month, or start on a different date, great!

Please let me know if you have questions about how to do this, and let me know if you plan to participate.

And don't forget, any funds that you raise can be sent to First Church of Carrollton.

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